10 Ways to be happier

  1. End your negative thinking
  2. Take a break – Have a reset take a vacation walk in a park get outside go to a movie spend time with a positive person
  3. Look for little things in your life that bring you joy
  4. Make a good positive memory – find a person that needs encouragement that you run into.
  5. Make a list of what you’re really grateful for
  6. Stop being rushed
  7. Be proactive about your relationships see how you can add value to others how you could just be a friend how you could be positive encouraging entertaining with that person
  8. Have a deep conversation with someone you deeply care about
  9. Love yourself – realize how special you are that you are a beautiful person in your heart see the greatness that lies within you don’t focus on how you feel bad about yourself or your failures but focus on how you want your life to be and how good you want your life to be and take action to bring those to life.
  10. Learn to be inspired and find joy in others victories and successes.

Quote of the week: “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”  ― Abraham Lincoln

People mentioned in the show
Linda Gullo Podcast https://lindagullo.com/

Kris Pavone  https://www.krispavone.com/

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