All relationships are important
Order of our Relationships
Handling relationships when they done wanting to have relationships with us
Good vs Bad
What are toxic relationships?
Controlling Behaviors
One who manipulates
Constant putting you down or likes to correct you
Tells you that not what you mean – we all see different sides and have difference opinions
10 Tips for healthy relationships
Healthy relationships have been shown to increase our happiness, improve health and reduce stress.
1. Keep expectations realistic. Accepting people as they are and not trying to change them.
2. Talk with each other.
3. Be flexible.
4. Take care of yourself
5. Be dependable.
6. Fight fair. Most relationships have some conflict. It only means you disagree about something; it does not have to mean you don’t like each other.
7. Be affirming
8. Keep your life balanced. Healthy relationships have room for outside activities.
9. It’s a process.
10. Be yourself!