What are our beliefs?

A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our everyday life. These beliefs are shaped and influenced your life.

Stop Stinking thinking

  •  Positive mindset- it’s not just about being positive its finding the good in the bad
  • How is life happening for you – Life is happening for you not to you.
  • Mindset and our internal self-talk
  • You have to want to change, you have to want to see the good

Where to they come from?

  • Environment
  • Events – The birth of your child, promotion, a death of a loved one.
  • Knowledge
  • Past Results
  • Future Vision

How to Replace Limiting Beliefs with Empowering Ones

1. Pick a limiting belief and think about how that belief has held you back and worked against you.  Write it down!

2. How has this limiting belief hurt you? Think of some evidence that proves that the belief is false. Spend some time thinking about this until you know that your limiting belief was not based on reality or FACTS.

3. Replace your limiting or negative belief with an empowering and positive one.  You let go of your old limiting belief, admit that it was false and limiting you, and you start believing in your heart and in your mind that people are generally honest by nature.

4. Remind yourself of your new beliefs every day Several times a day. The more you consciously remind yourself of your new beliefs, think and feel them in your core, the faster you will be able to replace the old ones. The more you practice this, the sooner your subconscious mind will start inducing corresponding empowering thoughts, feelings and actions.

Our belief systems are powerful and affect almost everything we think, feel and do. When we make the time and effort to closely examine them, we are able to single out the ones that prevent us from living the life we deserve to live.

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